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Raising a Hand

Educación basada en la escuela




Who's Been Trained?

Chenowith Elementary, Dry Hallow Elementary 

Presentaciones Infantiles

Brindamos presentaciones para niños en los grados K-5 utilizando el programa Child Safety Matters®, creado por Monique Burr Foundation. El programa empodera a los niños para que detecten y respondan al acoso, el ciberacoso, el abuso infantil y los peligros digitales. Lo más importante es que enseña que los adultos son
responsables de su seguridad, pero hay cosas que pueden hacer para ayudar a los adultos a mantenerlos a salvo. El programa se basa en las últimas investigaciones y ha sido revisado y respaldado por expertos nacionales. Este plan de estudios cumpleErin y la ley(SB 856) cuando se implementa en cuatro sesiones. 
Child Safety Matters® se presentó en dos lecciones de 35 a 55 minutos (o en cuatro lecciones más cortas) en un salón de clases presencial o virtual. Las lecciones incluyen conferencias en PowerPoint, discusiones grupales, videos y juegos y actividades divertidos. A lo largo de estas lecciones, los niños aprenderán cinco reglas de seguridad fáciles de recordar que pueden usar para ayudar a los adultos en
sus vidas los mantienen a salvo.



  • Conciencia de seguridad

  • Responsabilidad compartida por la seguridad

  • Adultos Seguros

  • tipos de abuso

  • Banderas rojas

  • Reglas de seguridad


  • Acoso

  • Ciberacoso

  • Abuso digital

  • Consejos de seguridad digital

  • Ciudadanía Digital

  • Reglas de seguridad

Who's Been Trained?

The Dalles Middle School Grades 6-8, Dufur School

Building Foundations for Healthy Relationships (BFFHR)


BFFHR is a comprehensive violence prevention curriculum for students grades  6-8. BFFHR seeks to stop child abuse and interpersonal violence by promoting healthy relationships, healthy development, and safe environments. Building Foundations for Healthy Relationships satisfies every component of Erin’s Law, and meets many of the Oregon Health Teaching Standards and laws regarding violence prevention and healthy relationships. The curriculum incorporates prevention theory as well as culturally responsive pedagogy. The interactive material covered in BFFHR meets the Oregon Health Standard for each grade, and provides four, one-hour teachings per grade.



A male student holding a notebook

Who's Been Trained?

Hood River Valley High School

Safer, Smarter Teens

Safer, Smarter Teens


The high school curriculum addresses personal safety and the balance of power in relationships and topics such as sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and dating violence. This curriculum will empower students to know what to do in an unsafe situation, who to turn to for help, and how to help a friend in need. The 5 one-hour lessons include: Personal Rights and Responsibilities, Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships, The Problem of Sexual Abuse, Dating Violence and Harassment and Advocacy in Action. When Safer, Smarter Teens is presented, it is intended to help each school meet Erin’s Law Requirements


Who's Been Trained?

Coming Soon.

Children Using Tablets

Who's Been Trained?

The Dalles Middle School, Chenowith Elementary



SaftyNet is a nationally recognized internet safety curriculum for grades pre-K - 12, that  aims to educate youth in the area of: sexting, online predators, using popular apps and app features responsibly, protecting one’s reputation, and making positive choices online. he curriculum can be provided in a one-hour presentation or given in a 90 minute session with classroom discussion and involvement. 

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